
Saturday, 30 June 2012

Glass Negatives

I have recently been given a collection of glass negatives. From what I have been told, the photographs were probably taken in a period from 1920 to 1945.

I am hoping that some kind people may be able to help me date the photographs a little more accurately by looking at the fashions, hairstyles and uniforms together with a few locations.

If you can help, please leave a comment.

I will post several images over the next few days, thanks for any help you may be able to give.


Image GN1


Image GN2


Image GN3


Image GN4


Image GN5


Image GN6

More images in the next couple of days.

Saturday, 23 June 2012

Halina AF800

A little more up to date in terms of age, from the early 1980’s I believe.

A very neat 35mm compact camera, the sliding lens cover/on-off switch reveals an autofocus 34mm, f3.5 lens. Under the lens is an ISO switch giving a range from ISO 100 to ISO1000.

Halina AF800

Above the lens is the optical viewfinder, autofocus and meter windows. Beside them is the pop-up flash.

Camera Front

Looking at the back, the back release can be seen on the left. The frame counter is actually in the base and cannot be seen unless you turn the camera upside down.

Camra Back

Above the film bay, reading from right to left is the viewfinder, a low-light warning LED, the flash-ready light and the flash button. When this button is pressed the flash pops up and begins to charge.

Overall, a nice, inexpensive little camera for its time.

Monday, 18 June 2012

Another Round of Where Are We

Once again I have three photographs but no clue as to where they were taken. I do, however, know roughly when they were taken.

The first shot was taken in July 1967.


The second is a lovely looking house taken in August 1967.


The third is a sweet little thatched cottage taken a bit later in June 1975.


If you happen to know anything about them, please leave a comment, Thanks.

Saturday, 16 June 2012

Acropolis of Athens

A return to Greece in the 50's or 60's now.

Firstly, three views of the Acropolis of Athens.

Followed by a view of the city of Athens from the Acropolis.

Thursday, 14 June 2012

Kodak Six-20 Popular Brownie

Today I have a Kodak box camera, the Six-20 Popular Brownie.

This model was manufactured between 1935 and 1943, made from a rigid card covered in leatherette.

It has a simple shutter with two settings. The 'I' snapshot setting fires the shutter with a single stroke of the shutter release, either up or down. This was useable outside in good sun. The 'T' time setting allows the shutter to be opened by moving the release in one direction and closed by moving the release to its original position. Putting the camera on a steady support and estimating the necessary exposure time allowed the camera to be used in dull conditions or indoors.

The meniscus lens had a minimum focus of 10 feet but this could be reduced by fitting a No. 3 'Brownie Portrait Attachment, allowing focusing down to 3 feet.

Eight pictures could be taken using 620 film. Kodak 620 Regular or V620 Verichrome was recommended, giving an image of 3¼" x 2¼".

The Remigijus Brownie Collection website has a manual for this camera, about eight lines down.

Sunday, 10 June 2012

Israel - 1950's

Today we have views of Israel, once again from slides taken, I believe, in the 1950's.

The location descriptions are all from notes written on the slide mounts.

Firstly, vehicles being unloaded in Jaffa.

A view across Nazareth

Loading Jaffas in Tel Aviv

Finally a view of Haifa from Mt Carmel

As ever, you are welcome to comment or correct any errors.

Saturday, 9 June 2012

One of the problems with collecting photographs is identifying the subjects.

I obtain most of my collection from friends and acquaintances, boot sales, charity shops, etc., so in many cases there are no notes to tell me what the photos are about.

Fortunately people often wrote notes on slide mounts or on the back of prints, so that is a help, but when it comes to negatives there is little chance of any information.

I will occasionally post some of the photos that I know nothing about in the hope that the kind and informative people on the internet will come to my rescue.

So here goes with three photos from my latest haul. Once again these were probably taken during the 1950's or 1960's around the Mediterranean. I am not sure that the three shots are from the same location.

If you recognise them, please leave a comment with any information that you may have, thanks.

Friday, 8 June 2012

Views of Gnossus

Here are some views of Gnossus (Knossus). They are probably from the 1950's or 1960's.

First is a view of Gnossus from the Palace.

The King's Chamber

Egyptian Prince

And a few more views.

Thursday, 7 June 2012

Ensign No 2 X Ensignette De Luxe.

Back to the camera collection this time.
This is an Ensign No 2 X Ensignette De Luxe. It was made by Houghtons Ltd. I am not sure of exactly when this model was produced, probably between 1912 and 1920, as there were several models made.

This example has a Velos Anastigmat Series T, f6.3 lens (Sern. 122993) with an aperture range of f6.3 to f32.

The shutter is an Ensign Simplex, having speed settings of 25, 50, 100, B and T.

The focus range was from 5 feet to infinity. As you can see in this image, the design has a Patent No. of 28464 and was registered in 1907.

The case, unfortunately, is not in the best condition.

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Moving on to Pisa

From the slide collection comes views of Pisa. Probably from the 1950's again.

The Tower, leaning and hiding

Pisa Cathedral and the Leaning Tower.

A view of Pisa from the top of the Leaning Tower.

Finally, the Bell Tower.

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Another set of photos from the Mediterranean during the 1950's

This time it's Famagusta in Cyprus.

Lala Mustafa Pasha Mosque

Famagusta Docks

Loading the ships in Famagusta Docks.
Apparently the cargo was carrots.

Monday, 4 June 2012

Photographs from Malta in the 1950's

As well as cameras and other photo equipment, I am also collecting the photographs that they produce.

I have a selection of slides taken by a chap who was a merchant seaman in the 1950's. He spent some time sailing around the Mediterranean.

The first three are from Malta.

Senglea, Malta, March 1958.

Grand Harbour, Malta.

SS Scicilian & SS Florian, Grand Harbour, Malta.

I would be interested to see comments from anyone who knew these places during that period and especially the ships.
I'll post some more soon.